Shadowrun free spirit possession
Shadowrun free spirit possession

shadowrun free spirit possession

But the image I remember most was one of a Troll samurai… the daily badguy was getting away in a limo. The campaign was basically based on two bored dragons who decided to make a game out of making the lives of a group of ShadowRunners complete hell. Years ago, back in first edition when two street samurai could stand eight feet from one another, unload their machines guns on one another and neither take a scratch, I ran a Shadow Run campaign. He makes a great ally, villain, rival, or annoyance. I noticed them, walked right up to them, smiled, leaned on one of their shoulders, and stated confidently, "I have a cranial bomb." Completely defused their attack.įeel free to use him. My favorite experience with Mike? A bunch of gangsters were surrounding our location and getting ready to attack. I let it slide and changed PCs, but it was oh, so much fun to constantly talk smack, walk right up to people and socially destroy them, and deliver Blitz! Cola wherever it was needed (those cola folks sure came in useful in a jam.). The other PCs eventually decided that they didn't like the idea that the big bad guy could just follow along their actions on Channel 9, though, so they made the conscious decision to avoid my character. He only had his wits and his mouth to get him out of trouble once he got himself in it. Now, what made him extra interesting was the fact that he still had a SIN, and was still an upstanding citizen of UCAS. In return, he was paid to be interesting, have amazing experiences, and plant enough Blitz! Cola (his corporate sponsor) into his life and the lives of those around him. His simsense rig was set up to constantly broadcast his experiences, so that anyone with simsense or a holo could dial/tune him up and watch whatever he was doing. He was a simsense star, done up a special way. I'd have to say that my favorite Shadowrun character had to be Mike Teavee (aka Mike TV, MTV, etc.) I'd relate a story that happened in a game about ten years ago that involved spirit possession and a stun baton, but I think it would lose something in the typing. I wouldn't doubt that there's probably some out there that even use some c&w or blues (Johnny Cash, anyone?). There's some folks I know who like to use classical music (it would be way too easy to use Orff's Carmina Burana), and some who like to use classic rock (Queen, Rush, Jethro Tull, etc.). I like techno and techno ambient music with some hard rock/industrial/grunge/metal tossed in for good measure, personally - artists like The Crystal Method, Tricky, Massive Attack, The Dust Brothers (who did the Fight Club soundtrack), Bush, My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult, and so on. I'm not sure if you're looking for recommendations for music for Shadowrun, but if you are, I'd say to just go with what you like. Otherwise, you could troll iMDb ( or use Google to look for pictures of specific actors and actresses who best fit how your NPCs look. There's a site here - which has the covers to a lot of Shadowrun books you might be able to find at least some of what you're looking for here.

Shadowrun free spirit possession